What is honey? How do bees produce it? Why are some honey textures liquid and others solid? Why does the range of color go from white to dark brown? Citrus honey: what a pleasant floral fragrance! Strawberry tree honey: it’s so bitter! But, how many types of honey are there?!
The Italian “National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey”, established by Ministerial Decree n. 21547 of 28 May 1999, organizes courses aimed at a wide audience of professionals, experts, consumers, tasters and students (schools).
The goal of the course is to increase the knowledge of honey and to enable participants to assess the quality of honeys and appreciate their variety. We aim to transfer a methodology that everyone will be able to apply to characterize and describe his/her own local honeys.
The course is intended preferably to beekeepers and technicians, but also to other professionals who are in contact with honey (such as herbalists, nutritionists, dieticians), and to consumers who are eager to expand their knowledge on honey and learn how to use sensory analysis as a tool for quality assessment. Anybody can attend the course. The course is 28 hours in length.
Next courses:
For more detailed information visit:
https://www.beesources.com/en/honey-tasting-course-3/ (english)
http://www.albomiele.it/ (italian)
or write to: HoneySC@mail.com